
Sunday May 13, 2018
The Rantcor Pit #70 - Solo Career
Sunday May 13, 2018
Sunday May 13, 2018
We discuss the highly anticipated Solo movie and the troubled first five months of production.

Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
The Rantcor Pit is back on the JediCole Universe!
Your hosts Cole Houston and Eddie Medina had taken far too long a hiatus to see to varius projects and concentrate on the production of The Rantcor Pit Live on Dallas on Air as well as their own new monthly shows there.
But you can't keep them away from the audio version of the show forever, and now they return with a look at another kind of long run, the nature of how so many things in Star Wars films seem so far apart or just downright inconveniently arranged. In the interest of not giving too much away, the subject matter will be left at that so you can explore right along with "Your Favorite Star Wars Guys"!

Saturday Jul 15, 2017
The Rantcor Pit #68 Hey Hasbro! (Part 2: Back in Black)
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
Saturday Jul 15, 2017
It's time to talk Star Wars toys that don't exist - yet - once again.
Welcome to the second (and final) part of 'Hey Hasbro!" in which Cole Houston and Eddie Medina dig deeper into their modern Star Wars toy wish list. What characters and creatures do they favor that they did not get to last time? Can they stick to talking about just the 6" scale Black Series? Can only two episodes of the show truly suffice to cover so much ground?
Find out what Your Favorite Star Wars Guys hope to check off of their collecting bucket list in the upcoming years. This (and the episode before it) will be something to look back at in a few years and see what, if anything, got the toy treatment and satisfied the Rantcor Pit's ravenous appetite for collectbles.

Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
The Rantcor Pit #67 - Hey Hasbro! (Part 1: Small Scale, Big Ideas)
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Wednesday Jul 05, 2017
Cole "JediCole" Houston and Eddie-Wan Medina have taken it upon themselves to let Hasbro Toys know what is lacking in their Star Wars line!
Specifically, they are launching The Force of July 2017 (because this episode ran late) with a very personal discussion of what they personally want to see in the coming years from Star Wars at Hasbro. Concentrating primarily on the often ignored 3.75" line, they share favorite picks that have yet to see the light of day. When it comes to the 6" Black Series, well, that is in the mix, too.
And the reason this turned into a two-parter!

Friday Jun 16, 2017
The Rantcor Pit #66 - The New Black
Friday Jun 16, 2017
Friday Jun 16, 2017
What better way to follow four episodes covering 40 years of Star Wars than to talk about one of the most important and endearing offshoots of the Saga, toys! Most specifically the "Black Series" line of 6" tall action figures launched by Hasbro in 2013.
The Black Series label is most largely associated with the 6" figure line that has encompassed the original cinematic Saga, what remains of the Expanded Universe, and even the first anthology film, Rogue One. With so many characters to cull from, and with collectors flocking to this relatively new line, it is little wonder that so many figures have already been produced with so many more on the way!
"Your Favorite Stars Guys" talk up this popular toy line in all of its myriad incarnations.

Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Cole Houston and Eddie Medina wrap up their four episode tribute to four decades of Star Wars with an exploration of the last ten years.
For nearly a half-century Star Wars has been a part of the collective consciousness of the world. Listen to "Your Favorite Star Wars Guys" reminisce about the decade that saw Disney purchase LucasFilm, ushered in the first chapter of the final trilogy and the first stand alone film in the live action francise, spawned a successful new animated television series, and saw the arrival, disappearance, and return of The Rantcor Pit (as well as the addition of The Rantcor Pit Live)!
What memories will Cole and Eddie invoke in you as they journey through tthe most recent years of the Saga (so far).

Friday May 26, 2017
Friday May 26, 2017
Cole Houston and Eddie Medina proudly bring you the third chapter in their decade by decade tribute to forty years of Star Wars in the world.
While May 25, 1997 to May 24, 2007 may well be defined as the "Prequel Era", prepare to discover that so much more was going on with the Saga in perhaps the richest decade of them all. From publications to toys to one of the most enduring events that fans can imagine, this decade truly stands out like a Wookiee at a Jawa party!

Saturday May 20, 2017
Saturday May 20, 2017
The saga of four decades of Star Wars continues!
Cole Houston and Eddie Medina launch headlong into the seemingly bleak decade when the potential for an "Episode I" was called heavily into question. Yet despite a lack of new films every three years (as promised back in the late 70s and early 80s), Star Wars remained an essential aspect of contemporary American and international life.
Join your hosts as they highlight those myriad little events that served to keep the Galaxy Far, Far Away close to the hearts of fans until LucasFilm again brought new Star Wars adventures to the big screen.

Saturday May 13, 2017
The Rantcor Pit #62 - Decades: 40 Years of Star Wars Episode 1: A More Civilized Age
Saturday May 13, 2017
Saturday May 13, 2017
After anohter hiatus, and in advance of the bulk of The Rantcor Pit Road Show Summer Invasion Tour, Cole Houston and Eddie Medina make their return to the audio podcast of The Rantcor Pit.
This episode launches an ambitious four-part series for the month of May which will explore, decade by decade, the first 40 years of Star Wars. From May 25, 1977 to May 24, 1986, a lot of ground is covered in the decade that saw three feataure films, a Lucas-embarassing Holiday Special, comic books, cartoons, toys, and collectibles into the phenomenon that still continues to captivate fans around the world.
Join your hosts as they begin a journey of personal memories and interesting events during the initial ten years of that "Galaxy Far, Far Away"!

Monday Mar 06, 2017
The Rantcor Pit #60 - Jedi Answers
Monday Mar 06, 2017
Monday Mar 06, 2017
The Rantcor Pit is running late, but catching up quickly!
Welcome to the latest episode where JediCole Houston and Eddie Medina tackle some of the toughest questions one could possibly encounter pertaining to that Galaxy Far, Far Away. This translates of course to Star Wars questions posed on Yahoo Answers!
Even Yoda himself might blanch at some of the questiongs found in that repository of crowd-sourced answers to the most unsual of inquiries. But your hosts are not going it alone! Jeff McGee (of Marvin Dog Media) is back to help them take up the challenge. Find out what Ewoks eat, what's up with Obi-Wan, the best ways to summarize a Star Wars film, how many Star Wars animals can be named in one sitting, and more!
If you're as curious as Curious George then you don't want to miss this answer-packed edition!